The role The Biodiversity Officer will promote, manage and co-ordinate biodiversity related activities in the county.
South Dublin County Council have prepared and are implementing a Biodiversity Plan for the County and the role will include the on-going implementation of the Biodiversity Plan actions, monitoring / reporting of same and review and development of a new plan at the appropriate time.
The role involves activation of local communities, businesses, schools, and all interested stakeholders and raising awareness of biodiversity in South Dublin County and requires an ability to engage with the public.
The Biodiversity Officer will also be responsible for making funding applications and project delivery in relation to biodiversity.
The Biodiversity Officer will be expected to work closely with other departments and officers within the council whose duties and roles overlap and can complement each other in the protection and enhancement of biodiversity.
This will involve provision of assistance and advice to Management and Elected Members and collaboration with related officers including the Heritage Officer, Climate Action Team, Public Realm Team etc.
The Biodiversity Officer shall perform such duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Job Duties and as may from time to time be assigned in relation to their employment and as may be appropriate to any particular function for which the Chief Executive is responsible.
The office is wholetime, permanent and pensionable.
A panel will be formed to fill permanent and temporary vacancies.
Persons employed will be required to work in any location within the South Dublin administrative area.
Salary €57,909-€60,017-€62,124-€64,235-€66,345-€68,454-€70,565-€72,663-€74,784- €76,887-€79,311(1st LS1)-€80,498(2nd LSI).
Hours of Work Thesuccessfulcandidatesnormalhoursofworkwillbe 35hoursperweek.
The Council reserves the right to alter your hours of work from time to time.
Annual Leave Annualleaveentitlementforthispositionis30days.
Only applications received electronically through the Councils e-Recruitment system will be accepted and must be received no later than midnighton Thursday,12th December2024 Qualifications Character Candidateswillbeofgoodcharacter.
Health Eachcandidatemustbeinastateofhealthsuchaswouldindicateareasonableprospectofability to render regularand efficient service.
Essential Education, training, experience Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms: Hold a recognised degree, Level 8 in the National Framework of Qualifications in a subject relevant to biodiversity e.g., ecology, earth/natural sciences, zoology, botany, natural resources management, environmental science.
Have at least five years satisfactory experience of scientific work in biodiversity, sustainable development goals, energy and climate action Possess a high standard of technical training relevant to the areas of natural sciences and natural resources management.
Have a satisfactory knowledge of public service organisation or the ability to acquire such knowledge.
Key competencies / skills Delivering results Performancemanagement Personaleffectiveness Localgovernmentknowledgeandunderstanding Candidates are requested to give an example of a situation which highlights the behaviour, skills and attitude that underpin effective performance in these areas and which demonstrates their suitability to meet the challenges of this role.
Candidates should ensure the example used clearly demonstrates their ability in this area and that the scale and scope of the example given is appropriate to the post and level of the post.
Duties The duties include, but are not limited to the following: Implement and review SDCCs Biodiversity Action Plan in parallel with the County Heritage Plan and with cross referencing to SDCCs Climate Action Plan and to the National Biodiversity Action Plan.
Work with the established Strategic Policy Sub Committee on Biodiversity Facilitate the implementation of government initiatives in relation to biodiversity and national plans and programmes that are developed to support the implementation of the National Biodiversity Plan, such as the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan; Report on the progress of implementation and delivery of the National Biodiversity Action Plan to the responsible Government Department as required.
Advise the Local Authority on biodiversity related issues and the Authoritys obligations in relation to protecting biodiversity (conducting Appropriate Assessments is beyond the scope of this role); Work with Local Authority staff to assist in advancing the restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems and support ecosystem services within the Local Authority Area; Assist Local Authority departments in integrating biodiversity into their actions, plans, projects and policies, for example through providing advice, training, supporting information dissemination; Collaboratewith SDCCs Heritage Officeronstrategicbiodiversityissues.
Promote new biodiversity initiatives based on best conservation practice; Work with Local Authority led projects and provide advice to colleagues on the management of ecological resources such as urban woodlands, wetlands, parks, verges, wild flora grasslands and open areas in a biodiversity-friendly manner; Raise awareness of biodiversity, natural capital and ecosystems services and issues affecting biodiversity in the Local Authority, including climate change with a broad range of groups; Commission biodiversity related research, audits and surveys and provide data obtained to the NBDC and NPWS in a suitable format for reporting purposes.
Apply for and deliver biodiversity projects under the Heritage Council funding and National Biodiversity Action Plan and other sources available sources of funding.
Work closely with the County Heritage Office on a programme of public engagement for biodiversity through Field Clubs, Environmental Groups/NGOs, National Heritage Week, Summer Schools, Biodiversity Week and other public events.
Provide support to local communities engaging in biodiversity projects and assist them in applications for funding to support their projects.
Be an active participant/member in the County Heritage Forum, Creative Ireland team and Council- climate action team.
These duties are indicative rather than exhaustive and are carried out under general guidance.
South Dublin County Council may require you at its discretion to undertake other duties from time to time in addition to or as a variation of the duties of the position.
Executive Biodiversity Officer
80,498 €
Executive Biodiversity Officer
Ireland, Dublin, Dublin,
Modified November 29, 2024
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80,498 € / Per annum